I also got base coats down for the black, brown, red and flesh sections.
I have quickly come to realize that trying to paint them in mass is probably not the right tactic. I find it a great process if you are either painting multiple copies of the same figure or at least have a cohesive paint scheme for a unit of mixed figures. But trying to paint what in my mind is essentially 16 individual figures all at the same time is a little daunting. I have different color combos for each figure so it is becoming a stop and start process. Given I am putting forth a herculean effort in fighting my ADD desire to just drop the whole thing and dive into some Car Wars/Dark Future/Gaslands projects, I have decided to change my approach and break them into smaller groups of 3 miniatures. This will hopefully help speed up the process and help hold my attention.
I want to give a shout out to Kit from Hobby Holder which I supported when it was a Kickstarter towards the end of last year. I've always been intrigued by the thought of a figure holding set up. There was a Kickstarted a while back for one that was as much a work of art as a tool with wooden handles, bases and all sorts of nice metal pieces. Unfortunately it was more than my cheapness would allow me to spend. GWS has come out with one as well that looks interesting with a vise like adjustable head. Any of these seem to beat my old habit of grabbing the base and the highest point, typically a sword, to hold for painting. I cant tell you how many times I pinched just a bit too hard and bent a lead sword. I tried my own set up with a pill bottle version, it was okay but very top heavy and prone to falling over when not in my hand. Then I saw the Hobby Holder project and thought it was perfect. It was very affordable at $20 and had a simple interchangeable system of pop bottle tops for holding the miniatures. Here are a couple of pics of it. They are available from his web store here Hobby Holder.
Now that I have a couple of hours test driving it I have to say I really like it. Easy to hold, steadies the hand, allows you to turn it as needed and it is easy to change out miniatures.
I mentioned my ADD desire to jump to a new project, its like my own version of Pinto's little devil from the movie Animal House.
He is sitting on my should saying "Go a head, paint it, paint its brains out! Grab a brush, squeeze its base, you know it wants it!" There is a new Gaslands group on G+ and with some inspiring Hotwheels conversions and what not. It really makes me want to jump back into this realm of miniatures. I enjoyed the couple of vehicles I did about a year ago and I have these goodies already built.
I'm lucky the weather is bad, otherwise there would be some grey overspray in the driveway from getting these primed up! I just need to exercise some patience and focus!
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