Friday, March 2, 2018

No Paint just a "Look what I picked up!"

Lets face it, we all get a little charge from posting the look what I just got stuff so here is mine from the last couple of months.  Feel free to turn green with envy!  Just prior to Christmas I treated myself to a few choice purchases at Half Price Books with their 40% off coupon sale.

First up are some miniatures.  I’ve always wanted to pick up some of the newer plastic Nurgle flying beasts/daemons so this was an easy choice.  Especially since Papa Nurgle is next up once the Champions of Khorne are complete.  I also grabbed a 1/35 German PAK anti tank gun for $3.85 I couldn’t pass it up.  Not sure how it will scale with my 28mm Bolt Action line but worst case I use it for some conversion work on something Konflict 46 or other WWW2 project.

And some paper.  I was able to find a Horus Heresy book that I didn’t have as well as a copy of Frostgrave.  Any comments and insights from players would be greatly appreciated!  I’ve heard some decent reviews about it and my initial 15 min skim while the wife was shopping seemed interesting.  

A couple of months later I had a 20% off coupon and landed two more nice pieces.  Biggest was this Dust Tactics original starter box.  The most surprising was an old Space 1889 box of Kraag Warriors.  I'm about to venture into the WW2/WWW2 realm with some Warlord Games Bolt Action and Konflict 46 figures along with other Dust pieces that I have so this was a great buy.  If anyone is interested in the American troops let me know I'm willing to trade or sell them.

The Space 1889 was a surprising find and while I don't have any current plans for a Victorian Sci Fi project, I couldn't pass it up.  It was in great shape and complete.

Okay enough bragging and showing off, next post should have some more substance/paint progress.

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